Everything you need to know about using channel letter signs for your business


You may not realize this but the signage that you use at your business is extremely important for the appeal and overall appearance of your property and location. It will be in your best possible interests to ensure that the signage is eye-catching and professionals so that you are able to give your visitors a very good impression of your business. If you intend to create new signage for your business then you are highly recommended to opt for channel letter signs because they are three-dimensional LED lights that are easily visible and very easy to read, even from far-off distances. Thus using channel letter signs will provide you with a lot more attention and eye-balls and it will help you in drawing a lot more people to your location. If you are intrigued about channel letter signs and want to know more about them, then you are at the right place, at the right time, because in this piece, we will tell you everything that you need to know about channel letter signs.

What exactly are channel letter signs?

Channel letter signs are a certain type of letter that are used for the purpose of creating signage for different businesses. They are a little different from other types of signs in the sense that each letter of the channel letter signs is a lot different and separate from the rest of the letters. Many businesses use channel letter signs and place such 3-D letter next to each other on a building for the purpose of spelling the name of the business. The three-dimensional design of the channel letter signs  ensures that the letters are able to easily protrude from the mounting surface and thus the letters are easily able to create an eye-catching depth that the other signage just can’t produce. It is very common to see channel letter signs at shopping malls, bars, restaurants, medical buildings and even retailers.

What are the different advantages of channel letter signs?

Businesses who are looking to make a statement will find that channel letter signs is an excellent choice for that purpose. The bold and bright designs of the channel letter signs can easily catch the eyes of the passerby and can easily drawn them in. In today’s day and age, businesses in nearly all sectors and industries use channel letter signs, not just because of their appearance but because of the extensive customization options that the channel letter signs can effortlessly provide. Regardless of the current branding of your business, you will easily be able to use channel letter signs for the purpose of creating signage that can easily and effortlessly match your aesthetic. Read on further to know the key benefits of channel letter signs and the most compelling reasons for using the same.

  • Flexible design options :- When it comes to the design of the channel letter signs, the possibilities are literally endless. With channel letter signs, the sky is the limit and you can literally create anything that your heart desires using the flexible design options provided by the channel letter signs. With channel letter signs, you get to choose to their size, shape, color and size and this ensures that you will easily be able to ensure that they match with the rest of your branding.
  • Various styles of illumination :- As a business owner you always have the option of using channel letter signs that don’t illuminate at the night. But if you need 24-hour-visibility, then you must use channel letter signs. You can try different options for lighting up your letters such as front-lit, reverse-lit and even open-face.
  • Indoor and Outdoor Use :- One of the biggest advantages of using channel letter signs is that they are incredibly versatile and this means that they can be effortlessly used to create a wide variety of signage, throughout the entire course of your business space. Since you have the option of choosing the size, shape as well as the lighting options of the channel letter signs, you can ensure that they end up making for excellent signage for both of your indoor as well as outdoor environments. Over and above branding options, channel letter signs can also easily be used for creating eye-catching directional designs, which allows you with the liberty to match all of your other designs. This will provide you with the ability to maintain a complete and cohesive look throughout your signage.
  • Brand Recognition :- It is important for all business owners to maintain a consistent images across all of their channels right from their storefront to their advertisements to their online presence. This can be made possible with the help of online branding because customers will easily be able to recognize their business across all the different channels and this will ensure that your business has a much more professional look. With the help of channel letter signs you will be able to ensure consistent and cohesive branding. The best way to go about things would be to match the font and the colors with your logo so that you have a polished and a very professional look.
  • Very high Visibility :- If you intend to make your business stand out from the others then the best way to go about things would be by using eye-catching channel letter signs. It makes sense to use channel letter signs because they are highly visible, especially when they are illuminated.  Further, when the channel letter signs are paired with sophisticated logos, they can easily grab the attention of anyone who is passing by. It makes sense to invest in channel letter signs because when you take all the different factors into consideration, then you will realize that they one of the best marketing strategies to get your business and brand noticed.
  • Eco-friendly :- One of the best ways of making your business a lot more eco-friendly would be by using channel letters. This is because channel letter signs have a lot of benefits right from high levels of durability. High levels of durability means that you won’t need to waste any materials in frequently and often replacing them. High durability also means that the channel letter signs can easily last for many years to come. Secondly, when the channel letter signs are illuminated with the help of LED bulbs, you will easily be able to save energy and this is mainly because LED lights are immensely efficient. It is commonly noticed that most LED bulbs can easily last for more than 5 years.
The Bottom Line

There you have it, that was everything you needed to know about using channel letter signs for your business. If you intend to get new signage designed for your business, then it will be in your best interests to do the necessary and requisite research. Go through all the options on the Internet and then choose a service provider which offers the best channel letter signs.