Know how to write an academic appeal- LA


If you are here, chances are either you are guilty of academic misconduct or are responsible for one. Forbidden academic practices like plagiarism, cheating, etc., have long-lasting consequences on your life and career. In these cases, institutions have a policy that allows students to appeal. You need a solid and compelling appeal for your defense. Although an academic appeals lawyer will help you write the appeal, here are some tips from a lawyer to keep in mind if you write it on your own.

What is an academic appeal?

An academic appeal allows students to make an appeal against the decision of their University/faculty. 

Tips on writing an academic appeal

Know your grounds: It is always a good decision to know why you are filing the appeal and what evidence you have to back up it. There are only a limited grounds on which an academic appeal can be filed, such as:

  • Unfair Procedure
  • Didn’t take adverse personal or medical circumstances into consideration

Students must fulfill one of these grounds for their appeal to be considered.

Collect evidence: To prepare a strong case, you should have solid evidence to present what you are saying. Any supporting documents which can help your case would work. Evidence may include:

Medical certificate

Academic transcripts

Supporting letters from friends/family/placement provider/flatmates

A snippet of your coursebook

Copies of communication between you and staff members

Construct the argument: If your appeal is based on the failure to take adverse personal or medical circumstances into account, there could be trouble since adequate processes already exist intended for students to inform their school about adverse personal circumstances when an appeal is filed. If you did not adhere to the procedure before but now want your institution to take your circumstances into account, you must have a solid explanation for why you did not follow the procedures back. Also, it will be essential for you to prove your skills outside of the time when adverse circumstances occur.

Avoid emotional language: Being formal and businesslike will significantly increase your chances of persuading the academics considering your case. An objective and businesslike approach will give the impression that you are on their side; instead of emotional facts, try to add logic and clarity to your statement instead.

Conclusion: While writing an appeal, it is okay if it gets a little lengthy, as long as you have everything documented. Because the more specific you will be, the greater are chances of having the case upheld on the first go.