Running Your Own Swimming Pool


Swimming pools are a magnificent thing to have in your own backyard (space and money permitting), but if you are thinking of getting one, then you should definitely consider a great many things. Here are just a few of them.

Obtaining Planning Permission

Before you even think of building a swimming pool in your back yard, then you may wish to obtain planning permission from your local authorities. This can be a complex process and there are rarely any simple yes or no answers. You are likely to at least need a building permit. However, there are also other legal matters that can arise in doing so in the form of restrictive covenants. These are agreements signed when one takes ownership of the property, and, in theory, prohibit specific renovations being carried out IF one of your neighbors takes issue with it. However, this is exceedingly rare, as it is rare your neighbors will even know what specific covenants these are, much less take offense to them provided they do not cause serious problems for them and their property.

Basic Pool Safety

Areas of the pool less than 1m deep are completely unsafe when diving headfirst, nor should any cracks in the tilework anywhere in or around the pool be overlooked. The temperature of the water is of vital importance, as any water below 10°C or less can potentially lead to cold water shock if not entered properly, which would present a serious drowning risk. It should also go without saying that small children should never be left unattended in a large body of water, nor should non-swimmers at any point proceed outside of their own depth. Some St. Louis fence installation companies in the US, for instance, will offer free consultation prior to any work being carried out, and may advise you on any problems that you might not have considered.

Keeping the Water Clean

Water hygiene is a critical factor and one of the most difficult to keep on top of. With small water reservoirs (like hot tubs), filters and chlorine tablets will generally suffice, but with large bodies of water, such as larger swimming pools, this may not be enough. Most larger swimming pools come with an adjacent plant room from which can be managed intake and outlet as well as regular automated chlorine dosing. However, chlorine on this scale runs the risk of bleaching the skin of any would be swimmers, and so the ph balance often needs to be maintained via an additional dose of sulphuric acid. Free, total and combined chlorine levels, as well as ph, should be monitored religiously. The more people swim in the pool, the more organic matter will need to be broken down by the chlorine, which will alter the ph levels in the water. The sides of the pool will need cleaning regularly with bicarbonate of soda, as organic matter reaches the surface, and splashes the walls, and leaves and debris will often need to be vacuumed off the bottom.