The following is a list of five ways that you can speed up the process of writing your essay.


Develop an approach to your course of action.

Imagine that you are on a trip right now. The Lonely Mountain should definitely be on your route if you want to increase your chances of winning a fight against a vain dragon and taking some of its treasures for yourself. In what manner would you like to go, whether you have a map or not? It is abundantly evident, in my opinion, that making use of the map would save you a considerable amount of time, which you would otherwise squander by wandering around aimlessly around the area.  Please visit samedayessay for more info.

Spend some of your time studying.

This step ought to be taken after the one that came before it. Why even bother coming up with a thesis if you can’t support it with evidence from your research? It is important that you include direct quotes from the sources you used in your overview. Before you even begin the process of writing, it is a good idea to collect quotes from academic journals and books to back up any assertions you make. This will help you go through the writing process much more quickly.

Just go with the flow of your thoughts.

Okay. After you have finished your map, you are able to go on to the next step of writing your essay, which is getting down to business. You are still interested in learning how to speed up the writing process, are you? The first thing you need to do, friend, is to take a seat and begin writing. Not languishing in self-doubt, not contemplating every word, and certainly not binge-watching Netflix. Those things should be avoided at all costs.

Create subsections for your essay and organise them.

The “just write” method can only be used for so long before it reaches its breaking point. One of the most dangerous aspects of having to write an entire essay in one sitting is the equivalent of attempting to travel from the Shire to the Lonely Mountain in a single day without making use of any kind of post-apocalyptic aircraft.

Get some rest before you go back and modify the document.

Take a break from working on your essay for a while before coming back to make changes to the first draught. Because errors you made while writing will be much more obvious when you look at it, editing your essay is made a lot simpler when you get a new perspective and let your brain rest for a while first.