How to Help Your Small Business ‘Go Global’


Small businesses all over the world are wanting to take the plunge into international trade. It is one of the best ways to access a bigger market and work towards a more ambitious goal, which will also help you grow. However, this is something that takes a lot of work and a lot of effort, so you need to make sure you put your energy into all the right areas to get the right result.

#1 Offer International Shipping

The first step that you need to take is offering international shipping. This can help your business out massively; imagine you are in the UK, and you only see that the business ships within the US and Canada, you are going to feel less than impressed that you can’t get hold of the thing that you want, and you are going to leave with a negative impression of the company involved. 

Therefore, you should be investing in international trade. It helps people outside of your business feel seen and it can help you spread your business out into the world. This might be a bit of a leap, but you might also find a sudden surge in sales when you discover that your product is sought after in other parts of the world.

The trouble is that international shipping can sound incredibly expensive, and you might be wondering how to send items overseas for less. However, this is possible by using specialist companies who will be able to get your package to where it needs to be safely, without having to worry about things getting broken. 

#2 Work on Your Business’s Online Presence

This one is important but often overlooked. You need to make sure that people can find your business easily online. After all, you might have a revolutionary business, but if no one knows that it’s there, no one is going to buy anything. This is a key part of making sure that your customers know where to put their money. Here are some of the things that can help your business’s online presence.

  • Social media, by using trends and hashtags to expose people to your business,
  • Social media influencer advertising to market your brand to people who are directly in your niche,
  • Website maintenance and design, 
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization) 
  • Collaborations with other brands or creators to help each other gain popularity, 
  • Other paid advertising techniques. 

This might seem like a big list, but you don’t have to do all of them at once.

To Wrap Everything Up

There are quite a few methods that can help your small business go global. It can be a huge milestone for your business to reach, and it is one that you want to keep celebrating and not lose. Some ways that you can make your business more internationally available is by offering worldwide shipping with professional couriers as well as making sure that your business is easy to find online. This can help you when it comes to enticing your customers; and, most importantly, keeping them.