How to review journal articles?


Reading a journal articles requires a thorough understanding of the various sections and their respective functions.

In this way, you may decide whether the article will likely be exciting and valuable to you.

Most journal articles include the following sections:

Abstract: The article’s key ideas are summarised in a few words.

Introduction: An explanation of the writer’s issue or subject under investigation.

Methods: This section explains how the study was carried out.

Results: A summary of the study’s results.

Discussion/Conclusion: This section includes a description of the study’s findings, as well as the study’s shortcomings.

An article review for a journal serves what purpose?

It offers a summary of the article’s positive and negative aspects, as well as its significance to the area of research that is being examined. In addition, it provides a critical analysis of the author’s methodology and determines whether or not it is sound in the review.

Reading papers published in academic journals enables readers to evaluate the quality of the research project as a whole.

An article review for a journal may be written in various ways.

It is essential to bear in mind a few crucial points while writing a journal articles review.

To begin, you need to read and comprehend the material thoroughly.

Then you may begin to create your perspective on the subject.

The author of the essay, as well as any other specialists on the subject, should be further investigated.

As a result, you’ll have a more excellent idea of their authority and knowledge on the topic area.

When writing a review, express your ideas clearly and straightforwardly.

In addition, any assertions you make should be backed up with proof taken directly from the journal article.

Write a journal review: what’s the best approach?

The first step is to thoroughly study the journal articles and take note of the author’s major points and arguments.

The next step is to conduct background research on the author and other subject matter experts to gauge their trustworthiness and expertise.

Then you’ll be able to create your own opinion on the subject.

Recommendations for writing an excellent review

1. Repeat seeing, listening, or reading the work:

You are reading or seeing anything more than once that might help you better understand something new, whether it’s a book, an essay, or even a blog post.

You’ll be able to take in information more slowly and carefully this way.

Repeated readings or viewings of the material may also improve your comprehension and enjoyment.

Reading or viewing anything, again and again, might help you see things you might have missed the first time around.

2 – Provide the most important details:

If you’re going to write a review, be sure to include all of the pertinent details.

This covers the title, author, publishing date, and genre.

The reader will better understand what they’re going to read or see if you provide this background knowledge.

Consider including a one-sentence synopsis of the work’s narrative or significant themes.

You do not want the reader’s experience to be ruined by providing them with excessive information.

3. Be aware of your audience before you begin writing: 

Before you begin writing your review, consider your audience.

Alternatively, do you want your message to resonate with a broader audience?

Make sure your language and degree of information are appropriate for the audience you are writing for.

Writing for an audience of specialists, for example, allows you to presume that they are familiar with the subject matter and hence comprehend technical terminology and jargon.

If you’re writing for a broad audience, you’ll want to make sure you understandably clarify any complicated topics.

4. If you write a review:

it would help if you took a position on the work.

Do you have any thoughts about it?

You may be a believer or a doubter of the author’s claims.

Did you like or disapprove of the project?

Write a review, and don’t forget to provide your opinions!

Use examples from the book to substantiate your claims.

Use these tips to make your review more attractive and compelling.

5. When writing a review:

it’s crucial to explain how you will assess the work you’re reviewing.

What are the criteria through which you evaluate the work?

Yes, I’m gazing at the art.

There’s no doubt about that.

Is the information presented historically accurate?

In your evaluation, clarify your criteria for grading the work.

This will assist your audience in better grasping your point of view and the context in which it is presented.

6. In the event of an assessment, the following should be considered:

You must be able to provide proof to back up your allegations. 

This essay section may use quotes from work, allusions to other works, or your own experiences.

Your review will be more compelling and persuasive if you provide proof to support your assertions.

This will also aid readers in comprehending your point of view.

7. When writing a review:

 It’s crucial to know the norms of the genre you’re writing about.

A book review will differ from a movie review because the emphasis should be placed on various things.

With this knowledge, you can guarantee that your review follows the expectations of your audience and gives them exactly what they are searching for.

8. There are many different methods to compare and contrast two items.

Comparing and contrasting the likes and dislikes of the two is the most common approach.

When comparing and contrasting, it’s also helpful to think about one object compared to another.

Comparing two works of literature is possible based on how they deal with a common topic.

When comparing and contrasting two items, it’s crucial to remember that the subjects you’re examining have similarities and distinctions.

It’s also crucial not to impose any comparisons but rather to allow for any that could arise naturally.


Keep your audience in mind when writing a review and use appropriate language for that readership.

It’s important to state your opinion and back it up with proof, so make sure you do that.

The genre traditions and comparing the work to other works of the same genre should also be considered.

You may guarantee that your review is both informed and compelling if you follow these guidelines.