Lifelong Learning with Skateboard in Singapore

Skateboard in Singapore

Skateboarding is a fun, recreational, and competitive sports activity that boosts mind-body coordination. Handle and carry the equipment carefully to avoid any injury. Currently, there are 18.5 million skateboarders worldwide, supporting a $5.7 billion business worldwide. Follow the practice repeatedly on soft surfaces available to practice skateboard in Singapore. Go outside, grab your skateboard, and start skating.

Skateboarding is a fun filled recreational and competitive activity. Do you know Sky Brown, a 13-year-old self-taught athlete who won the women’s park skateboarding event in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics 2020? She was just three when she started learning skateboarding! In her interview, she spoke sparkling words.

‘If people see me the smallest girl, doing the highest trick, then anyone could think they could do it.’

In this beginner’s guide on how to skateboard in Singapore, you can grasp some easy skateboarding tips and tricks for your child. Let’s make skateboarding a lot safer, easier, and more fun for children through natural stances on their boards.

Skateboarding is sidewalk surfing. – Exercise and Physical Activity From health Benefits to Fitness Crazes

There is a wide range of longboards, mini cruisers, and skateboards in Singapore depending on the child’s age. Initially, experts suggest buying a wider wheelbase to get better stability. There are many skateboards in Singapore with designs on the lower deck and the foot shape printed on them. Such skateboards are exclusively designed for beginners. The reason to design a lower deck is to allow the young kids to push off easily, and the footprints help kids to better understand the position and direction of the feet.

Safety Measures:

However, if the skater’s body oscillates, then it’s always a great idea to first learn how to stand in a comfortable and balancing posture. Practicing skateboarding in Singapore? You will find many spaces providing soft surfaces like grass, rugs, and soft carpets where you can safely practice balancing.

Many injuries occur simply as a result of taking safety precautions for granted. Skateboarding in Singapore is getting more popular every passing day.

One-third of the skateboard-related victims are boarders with less than a week’s experience. So equip yourself properly with the required accessories and keep the following points in mind before gearing up to skateboard. According to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission.

  • Always pre-check the skateboard to fix them earlier before boarding. Always check the surface area, cracks, breaks, and any other signs of deterioration.
  • Always wear protective equipment; helmet, wrist support, gloves, knee pads, hip pads, elbow pads, and rubber-soled footwear.
  • Avoid skating around traffic areas.
  • Avoid trying tricks beyond the skill limits.
  • Avoid skating at night or in dark unsupervised parks and roads.

Keep in mind that we learn from mistakes every time. However, sometimes the safest equipment can cause severe accidents or injuries if mishandled. Currently, approximately 18.5 million skateboarders are supporting a $5.7 billion business worldwide. According to Skateboarders Startup.

Step-1: Learn the Art of Pushing

Stand behind your child. Now, push him gently for once. Observe the foot which your child drags out of the skateboard to stop. That foot will usually be the dominant foot. Ask them to go ahead safely at a slow but consistent pace. 

Let’s suppose, I put my left foot next to the front wheels. Start with that front foot on top of the front bolts with your toe pointing forward. Use your back foot to push. In short, step one is just balanced to push.

Step-2: You want to ride on the skateboard? How to ride?

Focus on your stance. Stay comfy on the board. Instruct your child to focus on the standing posture on the skateboard. Ask them to spread their feet on the skateboard as printed. Once spread, now ask them to slightly bend their knees. Give them a few days to just lay or sit on the skateboard paddling via hands.

Ask your child if the skateboard is uncomfortable and moving in an unbalanced position from side to side. Then there is a possibility that the trucks of the skateboards need to be tightened. 

Step-3: Focus on Your Body Posture

Take them to a smooth surface and lend your hands at the initial stage. Instruct them to put their front foot on the board and slightly end their knees. Encourage them to slightly push with the other foot. Repeat this for about half an hour twice or thrice a week.

Make sure that the child’s posture is perpendicular to the skateboard. Ask them to shift the upper body much more aligned to the skateboard. Make sure to stay in an athletic stance and position your head in the direction your skate is heading.

Step-4: Learn to Take Turn Smartly

There are two ways to ride the skateboard. One is called the Curve Turn and the other Kick Turn.

You can lean with your feet, and put a little pressure on your toes to take a turn. This is how Curve turn works. However, don’t put so much pressure on yourself that you fall; just enough pressure on your toes to turn.

Put the other foot at the tail part (curl part) of your board. When you are doing a kick turn, you wind up your body and your arms to do it.

Wrap Up:

Start practice on a soft surface. Stay close to your kids while they practice skateboarding in Singapore. They will be confidently skating in no time. Teach your children to stay composed and patient while skateboarding. Don’t have high expectations; otherwise, they will stay distracted. Keep it fun.

Making mistakes, falling, and getting up with an act of courage are all essential parts of the lifelong learning you reap from practicing Skateboard in Singapore. Just ask your child to make mistakes. He will learn to be perfect as he makes more mistakes.

 Skateboarding in Singapore helps to strengthen mind-body coordination. Most of all, you don’t have to pay for skateboarding, just go out and start skating.