5 Ways to Make an Interesting and Interactive Session for Students


Online learning may be the only way to continue education during the Corona Virus pandemic, but it is not ideal. Students often lose their interests during online classes and fail to concentrate, which negatively affects their class performances and grades.

Lack of interest and concentration is the main reason students are not super excited about online classes and often oppose studying this way. Covid-19 has stirred up the whole world and forced governments to shift education to online learning.

At the beginning of 2020, the pandemic situation was getting better, and daily life was slowly coming back to normal. Still, the third wave of covid-19 took over the world once again, and the education system had to rely on online learning yet again.

So, if you are a teacher who is struggling to develop your students’ interest in your online sessions, then don’t worry, assignment writing UAE has made a list of 5 ways you can follow to make your sessions more interesting and interactive.

Start Your Session on a Fun Note

Going straight into the learning process might not interest students; you should start by talking about something other than the subject. You can either talk about the weekly trend going around or a new movie that released. By doing so, we just want to develop the students’ interest as these things tend to grab their attention. Our main purpose in doing this is to start where everyone can interact with you and each other.

Ask Questions and Opinions

Another great way of interacting with the students to make your session more interesting is to ask questions and give more attention to the students’ personal opinions. When you come across as considerate and care and appreciate the students for their opinions, students will take more interest in your class.

By doing so, you are not only interacting with them, but students will also pay proper attention to what you are teaching because they will have an idea that you are going to ask questions and opinions.
When the students feel heard, they tend to work more efficiently, and their interest levels increase automatically. Think about it yourself. Would you like to be a part of a session where the teacher just comes, explains a few things, and ends the class? Start being more communicative and appreciate students for taking part in the class discussions.

Allow Your Students to Choose

You can do this in many ways; you can ask students which chapter or topic to study next, you can give them essays to write on their choice of topic. Allowing the students to choose will give them a sense of authority, and they will act more responsibly.

Choice can sometimes act as a strong incentive since it promotes student engagement and freedom, which is exactly what you want. This will give you the upper hand as students will be more interested during your class with all their concentration fixed on what you are teaching.

Use Real-Life Examples

Connecting learning material to daily life is ideal for making the lessons more interesting. The main reason why students lose their focus is that they are not properly grasping the concept and the best way to solve this problem is by relating the topic with daily life experiences.

When you relate a physics lesson to daily life, students will understand it better, and it will be easier for them to make their own examples.

After giving them the example, you should ask your students to think of some examples of their own; this will help in increasing the interaction between you and your students. You can also assign 1 or 2% of your final grades to class interactions. The students will put more effort as they are basically getting free marks.

Dedicate A Session For Discussions

Once a week, schedule a session in which you will discuss all the things you taught the students during the week. This is a great of developing interest and motivating interaction among students.

The students will especially prepare for this session with their opinions and arguments. You can ask two students with opposing opinions to have a friendly discussion and try to convert the other student to their opinion.

This activity will give you a chance to assess your students and what they have understood. You can easily correct them if they are wrong and guide them in the right direction. Your constructive criticism will encourage them to do better, and you will notice an improvement among your students. Also, this activity will give students who are not very comfortable putting their opinions forward; you will help them build their confidence.