Top 10 Causes of Cancer and their Treatment

10 Causes of Cancer
10 Causes of Cancer

Cancer, a group of diseases characterized by uncontrolled growth of cells, is a major health concern worldwide. There are various forms of this deadly disease, and each one has its set of problems for preventing, diagnosing, and treating it. The World Health Organization says that cancer is the second leading cause of death around the world. It shows how important it is to keep researching and finding ways to help people. Cancer is usually caused by a combination of genetic, lifestyle, and environmental factors that interact with each other.

Each person’s risk of getting cancer is different and is based on a mix of these factors. Some of these, like inherited genetic predispositions, can’t be changed. But knowing the main causes of cancer, like whether they are linked to lifestyle choices like smoking or to environmental factors like pollution or radiation, can make a significant difference in its detection and treatment.

When we know more about what causes cancer, we can make better interventions and treatment decisions, predict cancer risks more accurately, and devise more effective ways to prevent and find it early. It can also help spread awareness and empower people to make choices that lower their risk. A better understanding of the factors causing cancer can help researchers come up with new treatments and therapies. It can improve survival rates and the quality of life for people with cancer. We’ll also look at some of the best cancer treatments in India at the leading hospitals.

In this article, we’ll talk about the top 10 things that cause cancer, how they contribute to the development of the disease and the latest methods of treatment.

Tobacco use

One of the main causes of cancer worldwide is the use of tobacco products. Smoking is linked to lung, oral, oesophageal, pancreatic, and bladder cancer, among others. Nonsmokers are also at a high risk of getting cancer from secondhand smoke. Most of the time, these cancers are treated with surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. Programs to help people stop smoking are crucial in preventing cancers caused by smoking.

Alcohol consumption

Regular drinking of alcohol is linked to several different types of cancer. Cancers of the breast, mouth, throat, liver, and esophagus are part of this group. These cancers can be treated with surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and therapies that are specifically aimed at the cancer. The risks can be greatly reduced if people drink alcohol in moderation or abstain.

Poor diet

A diet low in fruits and vegetables and high in processed or red meats can increase the risk of cancers like colorectal and stomach cancers. Obesity, often caused by eating too many calories, is a risk factor for many types of cancer. For cancer prevention, it’s important to eat well and maintain a healthy weight.

Lack of physical activity

Inactive lifestyles can lead to obesity, which increases the risk of several types of cancer, such as breast, colon, kidney, endometrial, and oesophageal cancers. Regular exercise can help you keep a healthy weight and lower your risk of getting these cancers.

Sun and UV exposure

Overexposure to the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays and frequent use of tanning beds can cause skin cancer, including melanoma and other types. Precautions like putting on sunscreen, wearing protective clothing, and staying out of the sun during peak hours can cut the risk significantly.

Some infections

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) causes cervical cancer, Hepatitis B and C cause liver cancer and Helicobacter pylori is linked to gastric cancer. Getting vaccinated and taking other preventive steps can help lower the risk of these cancers caused by infections.

Pollutants in the environment

Being around asbestos, radon, and some pesticides for a long time can cause cancers like mesothelioma, lung cancer, and bladder cancer. Health and safety rules at work are crucial for reducing these risks.

Radiation exposure

Leukaemia and other types of cancer can be caused by long-term exposure to high levels of ionizing radiation, including radiation therapy for previous cancer or nuclear fallout. Ensuring the right safety rules are followed can help reduce unnecessary exposure.

Cancer that runs in the family

Some types of cancer are very likely to be caused by genes. Certain changes in genes like BRCA1 and BRCA2 make the risk of breast and ovarian cancers much higher. These risks can be found with the help of genetic counselling and testing.


Most cancers are more likely to happen as you get older because you’ve been exposed to more risk factors. In India and around the world, the best cancer treatment involves a multimodal approach that often includes surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy. For the best results, treatment must be based on the type and stage of cancer and the patient’s overall health.

For example, cancers that are caused by smoking may need surgery followed by chemotherapy or radiation. Most skin cancers need to be removed surgically, but immunotherapy may help some people with melanoma. Most of the time, surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy treat cervical cancer, which is often caused by HPV.


Targeted therapy, immunotherapy, and precision medicine are new ways to treat cancer. These innovations have given people hope even in the most advanced stages. Leading hospitals in the country offer a wide range of these cutting-edge treatments. Cancer is a disease that has many different causes. A detailed understanding of these causes can help make prevention plans and treatments that work better. Cancer patients can live longer and have a better quality of life with the help of preventative measures, early detection, and new treatments.

Read: When Choosing the Right Hospital for Your Breast Cancer Treatment?